Royal York Dental, Etobicoke

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Digital X-Rays

At Royal York Dental we use digital x-rays along with panoramic x-rays to provide our patients with insight into their overall oral health. 

What is Digital Radiography?

Digital radiography is a type of x-ray imaging that uses digital x-ray sensors to produce extremely detailed computer images of the teeth, gums, and other oral structures. At Royal York Dental, we use digital and panoramic x-rays to review your oral health and to inform treatment planning.

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Digital Dental X-Rays

X-rays are an essential component of dental diagnosis and treatment. Some conditions might go undetected if not for the utilization of dental x-rays. Current equipment and techniques provide effective diagnostics at low levels of radiation exposure.

Digital Radiography is a form of x-ray imaging in which digital x-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. Capturing and saving digital x-rays offers your dentist an almost instant image of your overall smile.

We will save them electronically as part of your confidential records. Our system allows us to retrieve your images anywhere on our network. We are also able to share these records with specialists and insurance companies if required.

Panoramic X-Rays

A panoramic x-ray is an important component of a thorough diagnostic examination. This broad overview offers a full wrap-around image of your entire mouth. It supplies information about the teeth, upper and lower jawbone, sinuses, and other hard and soft tissues of the head and neck.

A panoramic x-ray can help in the assessment of a variety of situations:

  • a panoramic view offers good detail and a broad range of diagnostic information
  • screening for various abnormalities
  • development of adult teeth in growing children
  • alignment for teeth for orthodontic cases
  • evaluate wisdom teeth
  • past or present TemporoMandibular Joint conditions.

Digital Single X-Rays

We use digital sensors for single x-rays. These are the traditional small x-rays that are placed inside your mouth. Single x-rays are used to capture detailed images of selected teeth. 

How digital single x-rays work

A small sensor wrapped in a protective cover is placed inside your mouth. The sensor is connected to a computer by a thin wire. An x-ray exposure records the image of your teeth and sends it to the computer.

The image takes only seconds to appear. The sensor can then be repositioned to capture more images from other sections of your mouth.

Digital x-rays have two standard formats: the Periapical and the Bitewing


Periapical images are used to show entire teeth right down to the root tips. These images provide an accurate look at a specific area of concern. If you had a dental emergency involving a tooth-ache, your dentist may choose this x-ray method.


Bitewing images are used to captures multiple contact points of back teeth. These are also referred to as "Checkup" x-rays, as they're routinely taken during hygiene visits to assess bone levels and check in between teeth for potential cavities.

The contact points of your back teeth are more susceptible to cavities. We recommend that you have bitewing x-rays taken periodically to ensure your dental health.

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Royal York Dental located on Toronto on Bloor St. W offers a broad range of dentistry services for children, adults, and seniors.

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