Royal York Dental, Etobicoke

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Dental Laser for Gums

At Royal York Dental we use a soft-tissue laser for dental procedures, including gum shaping.

What is a Dental Laser?

A dental laser is a device that emits a single wavelength of light energy directed on soft tissue to treat decay, gum disease, or soft tissue disorders with precision and accuracy.

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What is a soft-tissue laser?

A soft-tissue laser is a tool that can be used instead of a scalpel for gum shaping, also known as gum contouring procedures. While we want to preserve your smile, there are some instances where gum removal is necessary.

What are some reasons dentists might use a laser?

A soft-tissue laser may be used to reshape gums. Soft-tissue lasers are also used to treat gum disease, remove lesions, perform biopsies and help eliminate infection in gums. Because of the precision available through the laser, it can even be used for very precise control during oral surgery.

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Featured Services

Royal York Dental located on Toronto on Bloor St. W offers a broad range of dentistry services for children, adults, and seniors.

Invisalign® Services

Invisalign® is a clear alternative to wearing full braces for our teen and adult patients. > More

Sedation Options

We offer sleep dentistry services for patients are anxious about their dental appointments. > More

Cosmetic Services

Royal York Dental cosmetic options include porcelain veneers and dental implants. > More

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